By Precilla
I don’t know much about Science, but apparently (and I hope I’ve got it right here) every single thing in the inconceivably vast universe is in a state of non-stop motion. The universe as a whole is constantly moving, ceaselessly expanding to become bigger and bigger with every passing moment. Then, each of the billions upon billions of galaxies in the universe is spinning around its own centre without resting for even less than a second. Further, each of the innumerable ‘heavenly’ objects in each galaxy—including possibly billions upon billions of stars and planets—is also in constant motion, twirling around its own axis and/or swirling around some other heavenly body (as do the planets that comprise our solar system, which revolve around our Sun).
This is at the macro or cosmic level. At the micro or quantum level, too, apparently everything is constantly moving about. Matter consists of invisible atoms, and certain components of all atoms are apparently in perpetual motion. This happens even in objects that we think are non-living. Presumably, this holds true for all forms of matter everywhere in the universe—on planet Earth as well as elsewhere.
It would thus seem that constant, ceaseless motion is a basic feature of the universe as a whole, as well as every object in it, from the hugest star to the tiniest particle of matter. Using theological language, one might say that the entire universe and all that it contains is God engaged in a non-stop dance, the energy that propels this dance being God’s energy or Divine energy. All the movements, at both the most macro and the most micro level, that are part of this grand dance can be thought of as so many poses that God is assuming or steps that God is performing as God dances out this dance. It is all God’s doing, with none of the objects through which this dance is being danced out having any choice in the matter since they possess no freewill of their own. All these movements are thus God’s movements, with God dancing them into existence from moment to moment.
If all movements in the vast universe are thus simply God dancing or being at play, or, to put it, differently, God manifesting God’s will, might not the same be true of all movements in the human world, too, which is, after all, part of the vast universe? It would seem strange if all other movements in the humungous universe are God being engaged in dance or play or manifesting His will and if, as a unique exception, the movements that are manifested through human beings (who are just one among several million species that inhabit a planet that is smaller than a speck when compared to the rest of the universe) were not so. It would be exceedingly odd if in all the other movements or happenings in the universe it is God’s will that is being acted out and if as a sole exception to this rule, the movements or happenings in the human world are the manifestation of the will of a being other than God—that is, man. I don't see any compelling reason for why human beings could be an exception to a rule that governs the whole of the rest of the enormous universe, of which they are only an infinitesimally small part.
Might it not then be that all that we human beings regard as ‘our’ movements, as done by us (which include movements at the level of thought, speech and physical action—that is to say, our thoughts, words and deeds), are actually not ours, and that, instead, they are God’s movements? Might it not be that our sense of freewill is actually an illusion and that all that we think we do of our own volition is actually not done by us but, rather, is done by God as per God’s will and is only done through us by God, as is the case with everything else that happens throughout the rest of the universe?
If this is the case, then, everything that happens in the human world (including everything that we think we say, do and think on the basis of freewill) may actually be God’s will being manifested, just so many different components of a much vaster dance that God is dancing out on the grand stage of the universe.