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Is There, I Wondered, Some Ultimate Purpose?

Is there, I wondered, some ultimate purpose

For us being here in this universe,                                       

Some great reason, some grand why,

We take birth here and then soon die?

For this, I studied philosophies galore,

So much so that I wanted to no more!

So many theories buzzing around in my head

About why we are born and then fall dead!

Then, a thought entered my mind.

Ever so gently, it opined:

“Turn no more to theories for the answer;

Many of them are just mere empty banter.

Turn not to people who claim to know it well;

Being fallible humans, what really can they tell?

Turn not to books, which might add to your confusion;

They can easily drag you deep into great delusion.

Listen, instead, carefully to what I say:

I will now tell you a very simple way

To know the reason that we on Earth

Have been made to take birth:

All you need is to sit in silence

And ask God for His guidance.

Him alone your question you must ask.

For this purpose, this is your only task.

To know why you took birth, to Him you turn.

For, it’s from Him that the answer you can learn.

This is because it was He who made you

And sent you to Earth for days but few.

Obviously, He knows the reason why best.

So, turn to Him, leaving aside all the rest.

If you want to know why you were sent here,

And be sure it’s not by chance or accident mere,

For the answer to this, turn to God and pray

And then listen to what He will say.

He’s bound to reply, of that you can be sure.

So, do this at once, don't delay any more.

Very soon He might you send a thought

As the answer to the query that you had sought,

Or, in some other manner He'll convey

The response that He wants to relay."


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Nov 16, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

A genuine thought that may arise in the mind of a believer, well assumed. Let the prayer be heard by the God


Nov 16, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Super poem. So simple. Sit in silence and listen to God 's guidance. Thanks dear poet for this heart touching poem. Chinku. Jinju, Mickey. Kitty Ole. We have become your disciples🤗🤗🤗 dear poet!

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