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All of Earth is ‘Holy Land’

Updated: Sep 29


All of Earth is ‘Holy Land’,

And not just one part of it alone,

For, the whole vast Earth itself

Is the very body of the Lord.

'Holy Land' is not just some little plot,

Or some big stretch of land,

Rather, Holy Land’s just everywhere

For the very simple reason that

Everywhere's where God is.

Since every little patch of Earth,

Every atom, electron and quark,

Is God’s very own dwelling-place,

It seems clearly to suggest,

That all of Earth is ‘Holy Land’.

If God is 'omnipresent', as they say,

It means God's present everywhere,

Be it prayer-place, hovel, or megamall,

Office, meadow or under the sea

Graveyard, hospital or rubbish-dump.

If God’s equally present in all of these,

And everywhere else there may be,

All of them must truly be holy

(And none of them exclusively so),

This in turn, clearly means that

All of them are ‘Holy Land’, equally.

In fact, one could even say

That every bit of land on Earth

Isn’t just God’s home, or ‘Holy Land’,

But more than that, is God Himself,

Being God in a material guise.


It seems to me now very clear

That not just this vast Earth of ours,

But everything else there may be—

The infinite universe and all besides—

Is one grand, hallowed ‘Holy Land’,

Every small bit sacred, and equally,

For, all of it isn't just God’s home

But also, God’s Self in material garb,

Which, in turn, seems to show

That every particle of all there is

Is equally worthy of our reverence,

Our love, regard and our respect,

Being equally indwelled by the Lord,

Or, equally the Lord in manifest form.

It’s all really as simple as this,

It's so very easy to understand!

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Sep 27
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Very Holy poem! Simply superb! The writer deserves a standing ovation!!!!

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