I’ve no idea why You sent us here.
You surely have some good reason.
But we, on Earth, just don’t know,
We haven't even the faintest clue.
And, because of this we’re so confused,
Not knowing what we’re meant to do.
So, we waste our moments, squander time
On things that, ultimately, are just futile.
What a waste of this precious life,
On all sorts of petty things
That seem good but really aren't,
Making our life a plain mockery.
It might’ve helped had You explained
Very clearly to us mortal folks,
Why you made this world and put us here
By declaring the reason up in the sky
On a giant billboard so all could see,
Or, announced in a booming voice
Loud enough so that all could hear,
In which case, we'd know for sure,
What to do with this precious life,
The short span that You’ve given us,
And wouldn’t waste it on vain pursuits,
Thus fulfilling the big purpose You had
In making the world and sending us here.
Of course, You won’t tell us why,
Your game would be up if you did,
This drama of Yours would fall flat,
A total flop, if You did reveal
To everyone its actual reality:
That it's just You who's doing it all
While assuming our human form
And then pretending to not know
The reason we—that is, You—
Have been sent down here.
Superb poem. Keep it up Nanny to Jinju and other kittys.