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Just Then, a Voice Within Her Began to Say

Winding up her prayer, the little girl said,

As she snuggled into her warm bed,

“God, I speak to You in words and in song,

I’ve been doing this now for really quite long!

Thank You, dear God, for listening to me,

A patient listener’s rare to find, You see.

But while I’ve been speaking to You for over a year,

Why is it that not once from You did I ever hear?

Why, God, tell me is this so?

This I would really like to know.”

Just then, a voice within her began to say,

In what she felt was a very strange way,

It was as if God Himself was telling her,

In words unspoken but yet very clear:

“Precious child, listen to what I say:

I speak to every creature, every day.

The fact is that I’m always speaking,

And a willing ear I’m always seeking.

If you sit still and silence your chatter,

You’ll discover the truth of the matter.

Attend to the Inner Voice, My little dear,

Then you can hear Me speak very clear.

You can hear Me talk all day,

Guiding you what to do and say.

I’ll answer you if you have a question,

And will clear up all your confusion.

I speak to you without a pause,

I do this, child, simply because

I greatly delight in speaking to you,

It being something I just love to do.


“They’re wrong who claim I speak no more,

That I’m silent now while once I would roar,

That centuries ago, in some remote past,

Was the time when I actually spoke last,

In the form of some lengthy narration,

Recorded in a book they say is My 'revelation’,

And that after this book which they claim I did send

My ability to speak came to a firm and final end,

As if after that I was suddenly struck dumb,

Or My tongue rendered permanently numb,

Unable now to talk, to utter even a word,

No longer speaking, and so no longer heard.


“Based on this gravely erroneous claim,

(Which, sadly, commands much ‘fame’),

Many millions a grave blunder make,

A truly very pathetic mistake:

They think that I now no longer speak

(As if I could been rendered so weak!).

It’s like claiming that I’ve lost My voice,

And that other than silence I’ve no choice.

It’s as if My lips are now permanently sealed,

And that there’s no way will they ever yield

To open and utter even a single word.

Oh dear Me, this is so very absurd!


“They claim, ‘God’s final words are in this book,

And that it’s here that people should look

To know how their life they should lead’,

Insisting this book everyone must read.

To know My will, this book, they say,

Is for humans now the only way.


“Such books you’ll find in many lands,

Many tomes penned by human hands,

Containing numerous errors and claims absurd,

Yet sought to be passed off as My ‘infallible Word’.

Instead of these books, come to Me straight,

You can hear Me at once, with no need to wait.

Reading a book’s not the same as listening to Me,

There’s a great difference, as you can easily see.

With Me you can have a direct connection,

So, don’t fall prey to some manmade invention.


“They claim I sent a final spokesman to Earth,

Who centuries ago here was made to take birth,

And that it was through him in the distant past

That I conveyed to human beings my message last,

And that thereafter I’ve uttered not a word,

That from Me since then nothing’s been heard,

That what I wanted to say I’ve already done,

That new things to speak of I have none,

And that now I sit in silence most stark,

Like some phantom hiding in the dark,

As silent as a corpse in a deep grave,

Or a man all alone in a remote cave.


“There’s another view of theirs that’s wrong:

They say in the whole of man’s history long

I have spoken to only some chosen few

(This, of course, is an erroneous view)—

To some men said to be holy and pure,

And that after they died I spoke no more,

And that to the billions of others I’ve sent to Earth

I have considered it to be of no worth

To speak anything, not a single word,

So that from Me nothing have they heard.

It’s as if my tongue’s now tied up and bound

And I can’t make even the slightest sound.

It’s as if I refuse to speak to humans any more,

That doing so for Me is some bothersome chore.


“Think, what would you a man call

If he spoke to only some of his children, not all?

You’d say, I suppose, he was unjust and unfair,

That for all his children he didn’t equally care.

More such accusations you could marshall

Against a man so blatantly partial.

Surely of Me one just cannot say

That I behave like such a wayward father may,

That among My children I’ve spoken only to some,

And with all the rest I want to keep firmly mum.


“All this they say about Me is simply not true,

It’s completely false, I have to tell you.

The fact is from speaking I’ll never cease,

I’m forever speaking, remember this please.

If you want to verify this, I will suggest

That you try this out, this little test:

Sit in silence for a short while,

If you like, put on a nice smile,

Then ask Me a question that’s on your mind,

Very soon, I can assure you, you will find

My Voice within you responding in reply.

Do this now, my dear, just give it a try.

This will, I hope, be for you clear evidence

That I do still speak, not being sworn to silence.


“My precious child, this you must know for sure:

That I speak even now, and will do so ever more!”


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Nov 21, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a cute poem. Picture is very cute. God is very cute. He can speak to us without any wifi, or internet connection. We ought to sit quiet and listen to His Voice. God bless the poet! Chinku

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