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You Do All 'My' Deeds So That For Me, Life Can Be Just Fun!

To the dilemma of ‘doing’ seeking a solution

I was led finally to the startling conclusion:

That we ourselves need to do really nothing

Leaving the task of doing all to the King,

To the One who brought of all us into being,

The Almighty One, All-Knowing, All-Seeing.

After all, it was He who gave us birth,

And it was He who sent us to Earth

As actors diverse in His cosmic play,

So, let Him act through us as He may.

Directing us actors is His responsibility,

Making us do as he wishes is His duty.

Let Him do through each woman and man

Whatever in His drama He’s set as His plan.

Let Him be the one doing all the thinking,

Talking, moving, and all other forms of doing.

Let’s no longer do anything, let Him be the Sole Doer,

So, if we seem to do actions, let’s see Him as their Mover.


There’s no need for us to carry the big burden

Of engaging in doing, our backs heavily laden

With the task of doing ourselves: what a pain!

After a point, it becomes an intolerable strain.

So, let’s hand the task of all doing over to Him

To do as He likes through us as per His ‘whim’.

Then actions that happen through us won’t be our own,

And so, we won’t be accountable for seeds they’ve sown.

Oh to be spared of the onerous task of constant doing

And of reaping the harvest of seeds one’s been sowing!

Oh what a truly tremendous relief it would be:

God doing all through us, so from doing setting us free!

For actions we’ll then get no punishment or reward,

Since we did not do them, their Sole Doer being God.


As far as I can recall, I didn’t consciously choose

To come to Earth and here my freedom to lose

By being bound to engage in ceaseless doing,

Thereby my coming here constantly ruing.

Frankly, I am utterly sick and tired

Of in the business of doing being mired.

From the burden of doing I seek quick release,

So, I now tell God, “You be the Doer, please.

Let all deeds done through me be Your own,

You do all the doing, be the Sole Doer alone.

Relieve me from doing all actions, both big and small,

You act through me, and so, You be responsible for it all.

God, with doing deeds myself I'm fed up and done.

You do all 'my' deeds so that for me, life can be just fun!


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Nov 09, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Beautiful poem, deep meaning.

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