My friend Jinju,
Is the cutest cat,
In the entire universe.
Jinju sleeps under the cars
In our building’s parking lot.
When he sees me come by,
He rushes out as if in a race,
Stretches his paws and shuts his eyes,
Demanding to be cuddled, like a child.
This afternoon when he saw me,
Jinju ran up to me in glee,
Greeting me most excitedly
With his fine signature meow.
Just then, a big man drew up,
Possibly, a new tenant in a flat.
I didn’t know him, and yet he said,
“Too many cats here, I have to say,
And, such an awful racket they make!”
I didn’t know this man would speak,
For, I had not seen him before.
He seemed to demand I say something,
So, I mumbled some words unintelligently.
I was, to be honest, scared of him.
One must be careful of burly men,
They can be big bullies, you know,
Being very diplomatic with such folks
Can save you much trouble, you see.
And so, I tried my best to flatter him,
Hemming and hawing, very politely.
But when it was over, I thought to myself,
That when he said all what he had about
The cats being too many and also noisy,
I should have replied to him immediately,
(Of course, this I wouldn’t have dared to do),
Saying to him, boldly and pointedly:
“Don’t badmouth Jinju and the other cats.
It’s not the cats who’re many and loud,
It's you human beings who are so.
Don’t pick on pure-souled cats, you big bully,
Tell your own kind and size off if you dare."
Additionally, I should have asked:
"Do you think
This Planet Earth
Has been made
For you humans alone
And for no one else,
And that the millions
Of other species
That God has made
Have no right
To be here?"